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The nation went into suffering after word spread like wildfire that JFK was assassinated. Abraham Zapruder, an amateur cameraman, caught on his camera the recording that would become the first presidential assassination captured on film (Hackers). The events that happened minutes and days after the event shocked the nation and the whole world. The inconsistencies, oversights, exclusions of evidence, errors, changing stories, and changes made to witness testimony in the official Warren Commission investigation made the JFK assassination conspiracy one of the most widely known conspiracies in the world. Since this tragic day in history, the event has fascinated conspiracy theorists for more than 45 years. Sneaky and controversial occurrences and revelations surrounding the JFK assassination prove that there was some kind of conspiracy behind it. There was a great amount of controversy regarding the weapon used in the assassination, and the misplaced/false documentation afterwards. The police had told the press that the weapon found in the School Book Depository was a 7.65 Mauser (McAdams). This was also reported by the news media, but the problem with this evidence is that Lee Harvey Oswald never owned a 7.65 Mauser. Later on, the investigators identified the weapon as a 6.5 Italian Mannlicher Carcano, the weapon that Oswald had actually owned (McAdams). In the end, the Warren Commission concluded that a 6.5 Manlicher-Carcano was used and not the 7.65 Mauser. Many documents in the Warren Commission investigation, the Church Committee investigation, and the House Special Committee on Assassinations investigation were kept secret from the public (Arnold). Contained within these secret documents was John F. Kennedy’s autopsy records. A conspiracy theorist noted that, “…there exists widespread suspicion about the government’s disposition of the Kennedy assassination records stemming from the beliefs that Federal officials have not made available all Government assassination records (even to the Warren Commission, Church Committee, House Assassination Committee) and have heavily redacted the records released under FOIA in order to cover up sinister conspiracies” (Hackers). Some of these documents have not been scheduled for release until up to at least 2029. There was also a lot of controversy surrounding what happened to the witnesses to the shooting, and the impossibility of the shot itself. Jean Hill, Richard Carr, Roy Truly, Sandy Speaker, and A. J. Millican were some of the witnesses of the assassination, or to events connected to the assassination. They were threatened and intimidated by the government. Acquilla Clemmons claimed she was told to keep quiet about what she saw by a man with a gun who came to her home (Arnold). A suspiciously large number of deaths of people connected with the investigation of the assassination was noted. Jim Marrs points out that “these deaths certainly would have been convenient for anyone not wishing the truth of the JFK assassination conspiracy to become public” (Hackers). The inconsistencies in JFK assassination conspiracy are a lot. Some witnesses thought that the shots came from two directions while other eyewitnesses thought the shots came from the Depository, or at least in that direction. Numerous witnesses reported hearing gunfire coming from the Dal-Tex Building, which is located across the street from the Texas School Book Depository (Arnold). Many conspiracy theories point out that at least one shooter was located in the Dal-Tex Building. Former U.S. Marine sniper Craig Roberts and Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock, who was the senior instructor for the U.S. Marine Corps Sniper Instructor School said: “We reconstructed the whole thing: the angle, the range, the moving target, the time limit, the obstacles, everything. I don’t know how many times we tried it, but we couldn’t duplicate what the Warren Commission said Oswald did. Now if I can’t do it, how in the world could a guy who was a non-qual on the rifle range and later only qualified ‘marksman’ do it? (McAdams). There are just too many sneaky/controversial occurrences and revelations to assume that there was a not a conspiracy behind the assassination of JFK. Misinterpreted information about the weapon, along with strange disappearances of documentation helps prove this theory. Along with this are the mysterious deaths of key witnesses, and the impossibility of the shot fired. The JFK assassination is one of the most tragic events in the history of the country, and maybe one day the truth will actually be revealed. |