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Starring: Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris, and Tyler Perry

Directed by: David Fincher

Runtime: 149 minutes

Rated: R

As I sat in the movie theater and the lights began to dim, I was completely unaware of what I was about to see. My eyes were glued to the screen within ten minutes. David Fincher’s (Seven, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Fight Club, and Zodiac) newest film is a pure masterpiece. Based on the 2012 novel of the same name, by Gillian Flynn, the film serenades its audience to the very end with a comprehensive, violent, and twisted storyline. The cinematography is nonetheless outstanding, the writing is exceptional, and the direction is unattainable to anyone, besides David Fincher. The film’s subject matter, the disappearance of a loved one is utter heartbreak and tests the will and respect of Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck), a laid-back Missourian and affable human being. Throughout the near three-hour flick, your perception of each character will change drastically and the daunting master will confound you.

Gone Girl focuses on Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck), a bar owner in Missouri and formerly a writer in New York. His wife, Amy Dunne (Rosamund Pike) has acquired her success from a series of children’s books, entitled “Amazing Amy,” based on her childhood and written by her parents. Amy, always exposed by her parents’ pretentious attitudes, is rather socially unstable. The couple’s marriage is not very good. That is about all, I will allow myself to say. I would elaborate more on the story, but then I would be revealing many spoilers. I’ll leave the rest of the film up to you to see.

Ben Affleck plays one of the greatest roles that I have seen him in and Rosamund Pike’s acting is exceptional. After seeing this thrilling film, I saw it again because I felt that maybe I missed a thing or two and it was clear that I did. David Fincher’s new movie is one of the best I’ve seen this year and one of the best American thrillers and psychological dramas that I have ever seen. If you have time, escape to the movie theater and watch this electrifying film.