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I have played video games since a young age and have been very passionate about them ever since. Video games are more than just a few hours of time. They are an experience with characters that I am attached to and would like to know what is going to happen to them next. The industry of video games is ever growing and is coming close to being as large as the movie industry. I have been compelled to write and inform people on game related decisions. T.A.

The Resistance series has been around since the release of the Playstation 3, as a launch title. If you haven’t heard of the Ratchet and Clank or Resistance, They are developed by Insomniac Games. Ratchet and Clank being very creative and what I found quite happy to a much more dark a mysterious universe, which is Resistance.

Resistance 3 opens with a re-cap sequence that shows you what the main character, Joseph Capelli, was going through when he shot the past protagonist Nathan Hale in the previous game, Resistance 2. Dr. Malikov is back and ready to help you save the world because he has the answer. It lies in New York. The game’s opening sequence strays away from getting right into the action with a high intensity bullet storm. This is a change from the previous title, Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2, because they both had this sequence. This shows the change in atmosphere and gameplay from a massive military shooter to a much more personal and emotional experience. We see this in the opening sequence when you see Joseph wake up next to his sick and dying son. The mood was altered in this title to a much more subtle and dark experience. This mood changes throughout the campaign in its multiple sections. Each section has its own dynamic and style to it. For example, the first third of the game is almost completely brown. It seems to be almost color controlled in a way which enhances the way that the mood is represented.

The Chimera are back and have taken over mostly all of the planet. They are as mysterious as ever and they seem to be cooling down the earth. As we know from previous know, the Chimera wear to heat packs because the climate on earth is much too warm for them. The Chimera look better than ever graphically, every single type of them. There are a lot of different types that help the gameplay change throughout. To name a few would be a infantry, sniper, more melee centric and bosses, like the Brawler. The AI also seems to be much improved. They move and make decisions like where to take cover in places that make sense.

Something that Insomniac Games has done so well over the years is weaponry. There are many returning weapons such as the Auger, which shoots through walls, and the Bullseye is back with a new redesign. There are many new weapons to add into the mix. This includes the Cryogun, that freezes enemies so that you can blast them into bits, and the Atomizer, which shreds the Chimera back to small tiny atoms. All of the weapons, I found fun to use and they each had their own dynamic. In some sections of the game, I found it easier to use one weapon and vice versa. The Weapon Wheel is back and better than ever. It comes in handy in many situations because you have the freedom to choose any weapon you want even though some weapons are better to use in different situations.

There were only a few problems that I encountered when playing through this game. There were a few minor animations that I found to be mildly annoying. One specific example was the ladder climbing animation. I liked how you could see your hands but overall it looked really wonky and weird. The only major thing that was unimpressing to me was the ending. The first time playing it through and I came to the end and I said “Really!?” I found it very Uncharted in a way because it was a little too perfect. After awhile of knowing that was the ending, I realized that it isn’t a bad ending for a long shot but I felt it could of wrapped the story up more than it did.

Another thing that is an addition to the total experience is multiplayer. When I played the multiplayer for the first time, I had a really good time. Something that I immediately realized was that the multiplayer was scaled back from 60 players to 24 players. The maps are scaled back to make this a better experience. It also has a great customization system that lets you choose you loadout and if I have to compare it, more Call of Duty like. The total experience is new because of the Chimera vs. Humans that help it be unique but I find it not being played at all in the near future. Overall, the multiplayer is worth a try because it is very good but in the long run I don’t see it being played very much.

If you own a PS3 and have never found yourself playing either Resistance: Fall of Man or Resistance 2, this is a must buy and it would be a good opportunity to get invested in this amazing experience. For Resistance veterans, this furthers the story in so many good ways that, in my opinion, the best Resistance game thus far. When I picked it up, I sat down and realized that I needed to platinum this game. This is the first game where I really felt to go this far. Also, the multiplayer experience is pretty good.

Rating Presentation:
The game is very high production value and the story is incredible even thought the ending isn't the best.                             9

The best looking in the series, so far but not up to graphical powerhouse, the Killzone franchise.                                          9

The sound design is excellent and is very good to listen to. The music is also pretty engaging.                                              8.5

Gameplay: The absolute best part of the game. Everything about the gameplay is excellent.                                                  9.5

Lasting Appeal: When you finish the game, you will say "Wow!" and there is allot to do after completing the main story.   9.0

Overall:                                                                                                                                                                                     9.0 (out of 10)