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Fr. Alvin Villaruel first came to Cardinal Newman High School in 1996 to be the school chaplain. Within a few years, he found himself shouldering the campus ministry and teaching five classes of religion and coaching tennis.

This week, he will relocate to Ukiah to become the Pastor of St. Mary of the Angels and for the Mission of St. Francis of Assissi in Hopland.

We wish him the very best of luck with his future endeavours and hope that he will return to visit us frequently.


What is one fun fact about yourself that nobody really knows?

That I go to the movies by myself. I enjoy just watching movies by myself. To me, ever since high school, I don’t want anyone to be around me, because when they get distracted, I also get distracted. And I think about them and I miss the movies, and movies are sort of like sacred to me.

What are some of your favorite movies?

One of my favorite movies is Star Wars. When I saw that movie for the first time, I just fell in love with it. I don’t really like the new ones, but the first one was really powerful for me.

What were your favorite classes in high school or college?

In high school, I enjoyed my English classes. I also enjoyed math, a few of the math classes. Those were the two I enjoyed. In college, I enjoyed my chemistry classes as well as my engineering classes.

What did you study in college?

I pursued a degree in electrical engineering. So I have a Bachelor’s of Science in electrical engineering.

What was your favorite moment at Cardinal Newman?

There are so many favorite moments. One of my favorite moments was when we gathered as a community for the 9-11 tragedy. We had a prayer service with the community and I think I felt just united with everyone and the situation. At the same time, it also prompted me to become an American citizen. I had been eligible for a long time but I couldn’t give up my Filipino citizenship, but after 9-11, I felt like an American. There was also a time during Halloween when I dressed up as Spiderman. That was a lot of fun. I have always enjoyed dressing up during Halloween, particularly as characters that cover their face up.

What hobbies do you have?

I like playing tennis. I enjoy going to the beach, as in the ocean. I like being alone. I am actually introverted, so I like places where I can be alone and mediate.

What do you do to relax?

Well, as I said before, I watch movies, play tennis and go to the beach. Those are the things I do to relax. I don’t really have any particular artistic hobby. I also enjoy channel surfing sometimes. I don’t finish one episode of anything.

So what does your average Saturday night look like?

It depends on if there is ministry stuff going on, but that is usually my movie night. I go to the movies.

I have heard that you sometimes put on dance shows during class. What is your favorite dance move?

My favorite dance move: The modern dance moves I can’t really do, but I enjoy watching others dance. But I enjoy dancing the swing and also the basic modern dance.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I also enjoy reading books. I try to balance, with theological books, but I also enjoy novels. One of my favorite books is Insight by Bernard Lonergan. It gave me a lot of transformation in my life. But I like any kind of novels, as long as they are not too deep, I just want humorous ones and funny ones and also some of those romance novels, yet not too many of those. I try to balance it out. I like watching the Disney Channel and Disney Movies, just because it reminds me of my childhood, because they were not there. I saw them in books, but now they are animated. I love animation. I love that craft.